Sunday, April 24, 2005

What did you do on Friday night?

I left work at 3:30 on Friday because I had already worked 48 hours that week, and because I needed to get a couple gifts for this weekend - something for my dad's birthday on Monday, and something for Laurie's bridal shower that I went to this afternoon. Anyway, I managed to convince Josh that he "wanted" to go to the Galleria with me, so we drove down there around 5, wandered around for a few hours, and ended up decorating a chocolate foot. Yes, a chocolate foot. Laurie's thing was an alphabet shower, so everyone had to bring a gift related to a certain letter, and I was assigned the letter F. Granted, it's not nearly as difficult as Q or Z, but I still couldn't find anything gift-worthy that involved F - until we walked into a store called Dylan's Candy Bar. Aside for being the biggest candy store I've been in, they had solid slabs of chocolate that were molded into different shapes - cats, fighter planes, feet, etc. that you could frost and decorate with other candy in their store. So, we decorated a giant chocolate foot with pink frosting - gave it a flip-flop, ankle bracelet, painted toenails, a toe ring, and a sock. I was amazed that it actually turned out halfway decent. :)

Anyway, after decorating the foot, we had dinner, stayed at the restaurant until midnight, and then wandered around the mall until 2am. (Yes, the Galleria closes before 2am... don't ask.) After that we decided to call it a night, so we walked back to the Dilliard's parking lot, and Josh's car was most definitely no longer there. Only then did I notice the giant signs warning customers that their cars would be towed if they were parked there after hours. *sigh* So we walked up to one of the tow trucks that was still in the lot and they gave us a number to call to find out where our car was. After some confusion about whether or not the car had actually made it to the lot, we walked to a nearby gas station to find an ATM. Just to go along with the theme of the evening, a huge fight broke out at the gas station while we were trying to withdraw oodles of money to get Josh's car back.

So we went back to the Galleria parking lot and caught a cab (which contained a driver who was in desparate need of a stronger presription for his glasses) to take us to the impound lot. The lot reminded me of a dog pound - there was barbed wire everywhere, the office was about a foot and a half above our heads so that we couldn't really see what was going on in there, and the guy behind the glass didn't speak through just a regular microphone - he used a loudspeaker. So by 3:30am, we were safely back in Josh's car and on our way back to Clear Lake. To summarize...

1 gift for my dad: $32.54
1 chocolate foot: $16.28
1 dinner for 2: $26.50
1 cab ride to Ronda Lane Auto Storage: $18.00
1 red Honda Civic reclaimed: $171.89

Sitting outside of Uptown Realty on the 6th floor of the Galleria at 1am, solving all the world's problems and discovering an amazing friend: priceless.

1 comment:

Gavin said...

That's an awesome story.