My confidence in the Blue Angels just dropped significantly.
To be fair, it's apparently because one of the stunts that they do takes place only about 25 feet above the bridge. In any case, it's been neat to hear them scream by overhead all morning.
Josh and I made it out to Snoqualmie Falls over the weekend. It's advertised as 270 ft tall - higher than Niagara Falls, but it wasn't as impressive since it's so much skinnier. Anyway, it was still really cool, especially because you could hike down from the observation deck to the base of the falls, and then jump over the trail fence and climb down onto the rocks to get even closer.

The rest of my pictures are posted here.
It might also be because they're afraid of all of the rubbernecking and resulting crashes from watching the Blue Angels only 25' overhead. "I tell you, Agnes, they came THIS CLOSE!"
All right... It's been pointed out to me by more than one person that it's more likely they're closing the bridge so that they don't scare people or cause huge backups while people are gawking out of their sunroofs. Fine, fine... I suppose your theories are more plausible.
I've never seen an air show, sounds like it'll be a good one. Are they going to close the bridge for the day of the airshow, too?
Snoqualmie Falls is pretty neat, Jen and I hopped over the fence too. Great pictures!
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