Seriously, I'm done with the rain. It's been days and days and days, and parts of MA and NH are flooding. As for me, just my shoes are flooding, but my umbrella's hangin' in there like a champ. :)
So I'm back to the glasses again. I went to a real opthalmologist last Wednesday, and he told me that it's either just seasonal allergies or an allergic reaction to my contact solution. So he gave me some eyedrops to use for the next two weeks while I wear my glasses, then I can start wearing my new daily disposable contacts while still putting in the drops twice a day. In many ways, my eyes are looking a lot better, so I'm really hoping this will fix the problem. On the other hand, I'm going to be pretty annoyed with the campus medical center if they've given me the run-around for 6 weeks about conjunctivitis, contact lens allergies, etc., if this is just a seasonal allergy thing. My big fear (yes, I know this is going to sound ridiculous) is that I'll have to wear my glasses when I'm on vacation in Florida in a couple weeks... I can't ride rollercoasters at Disneyland in my glasses!
My big excitement yesterday, other than the season pre-finale of 24, was that I got a new phone! My old phone worked great most of the time, but often it would just decide to not pick up a signal and sit around for hours pretending that it didn't know how to work. I wouldn't be able to call anyone or even send text messages because the reception was so poor. When I called Verizon's tech support, they told me that they didn't guarantee reception inside buildings, so there wasn't much they could do. But the guy also told me that I was due for my "new every two" upgrade, so yesterday I went to the store and got this one. I'm not very impressed with Verizon's phone selection, and this one has its share of annoying features, but it seemed to be the best of the bunch for me. I debated getting the Razr since it's really the only small phone that Verizon sells, but the reviews I read online said it was either fantastic or awful, and the salespeople at the Verizon store seemed to agree with awful...
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