Florida was awesome. :) We spent Saturday & Sunday in Jacksonville with the parents, and then drove through St. Augustine on Sunday on the way to Orlando. We spent Monday at Cocoa Beach, where I got to meet the real people I had to impress: Josh's nieces and nephew. Adults are relatively polite even if they don't really like you, but little kids are pretty honest about their feelings. They, of course, were adorable, and I was glad that we got to go to Disneyworld with them on Tuesday, since the park is so much more magical when you're under 10. But Disneyworld was HOT and crowded because of all the Memorial Day kid traffic. We finally made it through the line at Splash Mountain by the end of the day, and then of course it was time for pictures... so here we are in front of Cinderella's castle, appropriately damp:

My eyes looked pretty red and freakish by the end of that day, so we didn't go back for the parade of lights at night, which would have been cool. My eyeballs didn't look much better on Wednesday, so we spent most of that day just lounging around. Thursday we went to Busch Gardens in Tampa, and it turned out to be the perfect day - there was a huge thunderstorm in the afternoon so the park mostly cleared out after that, which meant that all the rollercoasters had less than a 10 minute wait to ride. I think we rode Sheikra 5 times in a row. :) The ride is crazy - you go up the initial hill and turn a short corner, and then the car dangles you over the edge of the first drop for about 5 seconds before throwing you down a 90 degree dive. Just enough time for you to gape at the track and pee in your pants. If you're interested, you can watch the video here, but I don't think the movie does it justice - the ride at least feels a ton faster in real life.
The night before we played some mini golf on a course that included a scavenger hunt and some live alligators! I was all excited to find out that they had alligators, but then later we went to a Go Kart place that also had alligators... so apparently I'm a big sucker for tourist traps.

But it seems that the alligators aren't the real thing you should be watching out for...

Ahh, vacation... I miss you already.
hey sabeen,
actually, i didn't wear my contacts the entire time i was in FL. my nearsightedness isn't horrible (around -2), so most of the time we were outside i just wore my sunglasses instead of my regular glasses and hoped i didn't bump into things! it was frustrating, but not as bad as i imagined it would be. i've been thinking about getting prescription sunglasses though. how are your eyes doing? what did your doctor say after you wore contacts to the wedding?
I'm not a good Lasik candidate either for the same reason. I might consider it later if my prescription is steady, but I guess it still makes me nervous since Lasik hasn't been around for that long so no one really knows how people do with it after 50 years... Anway, since my eyes got irritated again while I was in Florida, I've been wearing my glasses since I got back, hoping that they'll clear up. I'm hoping to try the daily contacts again later this week... I'll let you know how it goes!
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