I don't know many other people who experience this sort of thing - I definitely haven't - so I chalked it up to one of those things that just happens to you or it doesn't, sort of like dreaming in color.
So imagine my surprise when I met not one, not two, but THREE celebrities in my dream last night. First I met Angelina Jolie. I went over to her house to borrow a textbook, and I ended up babysitting her three kids. Except that her youngest was that African boy that Madonna just adopted, not the baby that Angelina just gave birth to. I don't remember meeting Brad Pitt (too bad), but I do remember her house being surrounded in the front and back by paparazzi. Eventually Angelina gave me the textbooks that I needed and told me that I didn't have to return them if I didn't want to because she had hundreds, so I left her and the kids and got into a taxi.
At that point, it was somehow decided that I was going to attend Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's wedding. ?!? No one was supposed to be there, but I ended up getting there some boat with three women from People magazine. Once we got to the wedding site, they wrapped themselves in sod to blend in with the grass so that Tom and Katie wouldn't notice them on the way to the wedding. Once we got to the ceremony, however, Tom and Katie didn't seem to mind that the women were there, along with some random Asian family and a couple other people I didn't know. If this wasn't weird already, here's where it becomes completely random: After the ceremony, I gave both Tom and Katie hugs, but when I hugged Tom, he somehow morphed into my 7th grade band teacher. On the way to the reception, I sat with Katie in the back of an enormous van while Tom and the driver sat up front. At that point, Katie confided to me that Tom could be "a little harsh" sometimes, and so I asked, "so why are you marrying him?"
So either I have a hidden desire to attend celebrity weddings and play marriage counselor, or my brain was just so scrambled from the day before that it needed an opportunity to wrap people in sod to let off steam. It reminded me of one of my favorite Calvin & Hobbes cartoons:

So... cookies? :) J/K
i have a had a number of celebrity dreams. however, i cannot recall any in particular at the moment. i just know i have them from time to time, lol.
i also used to lucid dream pretty much all the flippin' time, which was great fun, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside.
oddly enough, a decent (not a ton, but enough) portion of my dreams still feature some sort of violence. the other night there were hatchets and sub-machine guns that fired quarters. go figure.
no werewolf dreams lately though.
so there you have it, as if anyone had asked.
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