I got four books out of the library yesterday and I have just three weeks to read them. Any bets on how many times I'll have to get them renewed?

I picked this up while I was searching for a different book about Guantanamo, one whose title and author I couldn't remember. This one is written by an Army soldier, while the original one I was looking for is written by a prisoner. If I can find it, it'll be interesting to read after this one.

Josh and I started watching the
Band of Brothers HBO miniseries over New Year's, and since I'm a staunch believer in the idea that the book is always better than the movie, I decided to check this out of the library too. And as reading leads to more reading, evidently Major Dick Winters has also written an account of his time in E Company, so that's on my list after I finish this one.

I don't get CNN and therefore don't know much about Anderson Cooper, except that he always shows up in photographs looking like he does on the cover of this book - "Hey guys, how about this face? Am I looking pensive enough? Concerned enough about the all the terrible tragedies happening in the world? Looks good, right? I've been practicing in front of the mirror." So far, this is the only one of the four that I've started, and the content is really interesting, but I'm already annoyed with the guy's use of adjectives and his inability to write in complete sentences. As if fragments better describe. His feelings of despair about the world. Especially during the tragedies of 2005.

I saw this on the New Books shelf and couldn't resist at least reading the book jacket. The gist is that the author gets dumped at the altar and demoted at work, so instead of sulking at home, he goes on his originally scheduled honeymoon (while cancelling the honeymoon suite for two rooms and "swapping the champagne for beer") with his brother instead. They like the trip so much that it motivates them to sell nearly everything they own and travel around the world.
I saw that Honeymoon with my Brother book a while ago but didn't buy it, you'll have to post a review when you're done!
You can borrow my copy, Sarah. It was a good read.
I think the book and the miniseries are good complements to each other; the book gives more history and details about the characters and situations, and the miniseries brings the characters to life. There are actually two books written about Dick Winters - Beyond Band of Brothers and Biggest Brother. I have Biggest Brother and when I'm done with that, I'll get the other one.
I'm also totally in love with Damien Lewis now! Did you know he's actually British? Does such a great job of hiding his accent.
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