Sunday, April 24, 2005

Going to the chapel and we're... gonna get maaaaaaried

It's taken me five years, but I've finally found out what the point of sorority rush parties is: (drum roll please...) it's to prepare you for the eventual bridal showers that you'll attend once you leave college. For the most part, I had a great time in Sigma Kappa at MIT, but the one thing that I hated every year was rush. Everyone's in a random room in our student center that's decorated with crepe paper and balloons, trying not to spill punch they're drinking out of clear plastic cups on their cute spring dresses while they're mingling. I guess I thought I left that behind when I graduated, but it turns out that it rears its ugly head again once you start going to bridal showers. The only difference is that the conversation has changed from majors, dorms, and frat parties to weddings, babies, and flatware.

I really did have a good time, and it was fun to see Laurie again... I just didn't like revisiting the "Omigod, your dress is so cute!" era.


Becca said...

When I walked in, my first thought was "Oh my god, all these bright pink and melon-colored flowered dresses! Too bright! I'm blind I'm blind!!" To use my favorite expression, it was like the Stepford Wives! That said, I did have fun too... but I would've had more fun without the flatware and the "omigod your dress is so cute!"

Sarah said...

I think the next time someone changes the topic to babies, we should start talking about dingos.