Friday, April 01, 2005

Just one more story...

See, Becca? I'm an updating fiend. This was my conversation with some random guy next to me at the gas station while we filled up our cars yesterday afternoon:

Random Guy: Does that have the Vtech in it?
Me: Uh, no, it's just regular gas...
RG: No, I mean your car.
Me (feeling like an enormous dork): Oh yeah. It has a Vtech engine.
RG: Whoa... dude... Have you ever thought about racing it?
Are you out of your mind? It's a Honda Civic, for crying out loud. This thing's got over 70,000 miles on it.
Me: (giggle) Um, no, I haven't.
RG: Dude, you should so totally think about racing it.
Me: Okay... sure... I'll think about it.

Not that it wouldn't be cool to drive around in a car with a supercharged engine, speed chip, low-profile tires, and nicer suspension than what I currently own, but I think I would still feel like one of those people who screws a 2x4 onto the trunk of their sedan and calls it a spoiler. Sorry dude, it's still a Civic.

1 comment:

Becca said...

two updates in one day! oh me, oh my!