Saturday, May 28, 2005


I'm tired. Tired of packing, tired of thinking about logistics, tired of running errands. I'm excited about going on my roadtrip, I'm excited about living in Seattle for the summer, and I'm excited about going back to Boston in the fall, but I'm tired of organizing my belongings. I went to the Salvation Army today to donate a bunch of clothes and a few pairs of shoes (including my Halloween cowgirl boots), and in doing some more packing tonight, I've come up with a few more things that I should get rid of, and I keep looking at all my books and furniture, wondering how much of it I could really give away and not regret later, just so that I don't have to send another box of crap home to my parents or take another box of crap over to Jen & Gavin's house.

I spent over an hour tonight talking to my mom on the phone, and I was reminded once again of what good friends we've become since I've grown up. I think there's always some crossover point you hit with mom and dad (hopefully) where they become friends instead of just parents. My mom and I reached that point pretty early, and even though there have been times along the way when either she or my dad has had to step up to the plate and play the parent trump card again, for the most part, I'm incredibly glad that I can simply consider them friends of mine. I miss being home. Yes, a long weekend is usually the maximum amount of time I can spend there before being ready to leave, but having dinner at my aunt's house a couple weekends ago while my grandparents were visiting made me realize how much I missed being surrounded by family.

I never thought I would be able to completely turn my back on Houston and all the people I've met here just because I didn't have a good experience at work, but lately I've been getting so fed up with the situation here that I've wanted to just leave and never look back. Sometimes I feel like I'm back in middle school with everything that's been going on.

Sorry about the random collection of thoughts. It's a good thing none of my high school English teachers are reading this... I swear, I picked up writing skills at one point, but it's too much work for a blog.


P.S. I posted my pictures from Niagara Falls/Jamestown, NY/Toronto, but the rest of the trip is still on Josh's camera. Coming soon...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hate feeling like we're back in middle school. So without wasting more time on that subject, I just have to say:

Know that some of us will miss having you around, and that we very much enjoyed getting to know you this year. I'm sad that you are leaving.

But while I'm sad to see you go, I'm also excited for you, because I know that you were not satisfied with your job here, and that going back to Boston will make you happy. And everyone deserves to be happy!

Las Palmas won't be the same without you. ;)