Monday, October 05, 2009

Solar Decathlon

This past Sunday as I stepped out of the Smithsonian metro station, I was greeted by dust, noise, and solar panels. This coming weekend and next, houses from the 2009 Solar Decathlon will be on display on the mall. It’s a DOE-sponsored college competition “to design, build, and operate the most attractive, effective, and energy-efficient solar-powered house.” And from what I saw of construction yesterday, the houses look really cool!

I love that the contest goes beyond just producing more energy than the house consumes. There are objective contests, naturally, like delivering 15 gallons of hot water (110°F) at in 10 minutes or less, maintaining an indoor temperature between 72°F and 76°F, and washing and drying 10 loads of laundry throughout the week. But there are also subjective categories, like curb appeal, effectively communicating the design to the public, holding dinner parties for neighbors, and providing inspiration by incorporating unusual materials or design solutions. Contestants have to give equal consideration in their design to engineering, architecture, and marketability.

I know it helps that I love modern, functional design, but I would love to own my own solar house! Well, when I’m ready to be tied to a mortgage, of course...

Sunday, May 03, 2009

We did it—Josh and I are married! We tied the knot last Saturday (April 25) and got back tonight from our mini-moon in Ireland. More details and photos to come...

And yeah, it's going to take a long time to get used to calling Josh my husband. And I just changed my “relationship status” on Facebook to Married.
Crazy! :)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Registry

First of all, ugh. Josh and I have been avoiding creating any type of registry for our wedding, but now that people have received our invitations, they’re starting to call to RSVP and “oh by the way, are you guys registered anywhere?”

Josh claims he can keep telling people that we’re not registered and we’re not planning to register. My two engaged girlfriends at work gasped when I mentioned we hadn’t registered, and one warned me that because we’re not, we’re going to end up receiving crystal swans with no receipt.

The problem is that stuff, especially kitchen/home stuff, isn’t all that important to us. We aren’t stellar cooks, I have no interest in fancy china, and we already have some nice knives and good quality pots & pans. Plus, we recently consolidated two apartments into one, so we don’t really a lot of room for new stuff. I’ve heard people say that weddings are a nice time to upgrade the stuff you already have, but I don’t feel comfortable asking people to spend money on things that I’m not convinced I would buy myself.

And part of me hates the fact that registries are so friggin’ domestic. You’re “supposed” to register for the big KitchenAid mixer, fine china, tablecloths, placemats, and fancy sheets. Although I know it’s more common now to register for stuff like electronics or camping gear, so maybe my anger is misplaced. :) And hey, if nice china gets you fired up, awesome. Whatever works for you.

We considered a honeymoon registry since we both love to travel and our hopefully month-long trip to New Zealand for next fall/winter won’t be cheap. But that kind of went out the window when we realized that we don’t have any of that planned, and our plans for the mini-moon following the wedding aren’t very well defined yet either. Plus, while many people think honeymoon registries are great, the other camp thinks they’re tacky. And if that’s tacky, asking for cash is definitely out.

Also, the wedding registry is basically the ultimate birthday list, and my own family can attest to how terrible I am at coming up with birthday lists.

What I really would like to say to our guests is this:

“We’re thrilled that you’re able to share this important day with us, and we’re flattered that you’re willing to travel all the way to Florida to spend the weekend with us. That is gift enough. Your attendance is perfect. So come, have a great time, and enjoy the vacation.”

Really, we don’t need any gifts. r e a l l y. If people insist, we might suggest that they make a donation to their favorite charity and tell us a little about why that cause is important to them.

So. Any bets on whether we’ll avoid the crystal swans?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

More eyeballs

I realized I haven’t talked about my eyeballs here lately. It’s a far cry from when they were the only thing I could think about, so as you might gather, they’re doing better. It helps that it’s winter, of course, but the allergy shots really seem to be helping, along with a handful of other things. I’ve been doing the allergy shots for almost a year, so starting in April, I’ll only have to go once every two weeks, instead of once a week. YAY! Going every week really hasn’t been that bad though. It gets me out of work early on Tuesdays and I get a guaranteed half hour to catch up on reading.

I’m still taking Claritin frequently—not quite daily, but it will probably become daily during the spring and summer. The Claritin doesn’t make my eyes any less red, but I’ve noticed that it makes them less itchy, so that keeps my wandering fingers from rubbing them. I’m still technically on a prescription allergy eye drop, but I ran out of my latest bottle a few days ago and have been trying to go without since then. My eyes are a teeny bit pinker, but it hasn’t been too bad so far.

A few other big steps are that I haven’t had to use dry eye drops in a long time, and I’m no longer eating flaxseed every day. In my experience, flaxseed really does help with dry eyes, and if it weren’t for the side effects, I would still be taking it. I’m still doing the eyelid scrub with baby shampoo to treat my blepharitis, but I’ll probably keep doing that for years.

My biggest concern right now is being able to wear contacts for the wedding, which will be several hours long. In the spring. In Florida. I have reasonable confidence that I’ll be back to wearing contacts eventually because I’ve been seeing such good progress on the allergy shots, but April 25th is less than two months away, so it’s not a lot of time for my eyes to make more progress. I imagine I’ll be pulling out all the stops to make it through the weekend, especially since I probably won’t be getting a lot of sleep with all the stuff we need to do. And no matter what, my eyes will probably look a little red by the end of the night. Maybe our photographer can photoshop the whites of my eyes so that they actually look white. :)

In any case, the progress so far is real. I no longer look like a zombie after sleeping less than 8 hours, or after having a couple beers, or after a full day of work. My eyelashes no longer fall out in clumps, I no longer wake up with crusty eyelashes or eyelids swollen shut, and (best of all) people at work no longer ask me if I’ve been crying.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy belated birthday to me! I am officially 27.

I suppose I can echo Becca’s feelings in that I never thought I’d spend my 27th birthday addressing wedding invitations. It took us a long time to get the timing of the ceremony and reception nailed down, so we’re a little delinquent in sending out the actual invitations. I spent a long time fiddling with the mail merge function in Word so that I could have my blank envelopes printed with everyone’s addresses at Kinko’s... turns out our envelopes (regular 5x7) “won’t fit in their printers.”


I tried to think of where else I could have this done (we don’t have a working printer at home) when Glenn called, wanting to know the exact address for the wedding and whether we reserved hotel rooms anywhere yet. I realized it would be stupid to wait longer to send them out just so that I could have the addresses printed, especially since we’re only sending out about 30 invitations. So I’m hoping my somewhat scrunched handwriting says, “personal and casual” rather than “ghetto.” All along, Josh and I agreed that invitations were very low on our list of priorities, especially when we have so little time to plan the wedding, but...

On the bright side, I like how the actual invitations turned out, and I got to refine the reception playlist a little tonight while I was writing our return address for the zillionth time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Josh is in the middle of a two-week (possibly longer) stint out of town for work. When I whined about how he was going to be gone for Valentine’s Day, his response was, “Well, I’m going now so that I can be back for your birthday.”

Right. Done complaining now.

So I’m trying to line up some fun things to do over the long weekend. I debated trying to find a cheap flight to somewhere, but nothing really looked good, and I figured that most of my friends wouldn’t want a third wheel on their dates this weekend anyway. Plus, I figured it would be a good time to finish my taxes, unpack the rest of our boxes, work on some wedding stuff, and figure out what I’m doing with my professional life. You know, easy stuff.

But back to the fun part—tonight is dinner and Guitar Hero with Glenn and Phil. Getting together with Ann and seeing a movie with Paul will land somewhere on Saturday or Sunday, I think. I might hit up the outlet mall for some new work clothes, and I’ve been itching to get out of town to do some hiking or sightseeing or something. I predict I’ll be slightly sick of flowers and veils and centerpieces by Monday morning.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

This video had me in tears within seconds. In the middle of planning our wedding, I sometimes forget how lucky I am to even be able to marry the person I love. While I believe that marriage should be a religious institution only, I also believe that the government has no business telling me who I can or cannot pledge to share the rest of my life with. After all, aren’t we all just looking for happily ever after? Someone to love and comfort us? Shouldn’t we be encouraging monogamy, stable families, love and happiness, in whatever form they exist?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wedding update 2 and new apartment

Making progress on our wedding to-do list... officiant booked, wedding rings ordered, hotel rooms reserved, tickets purchased for (hopefully only) scouting trip in March, caterer & cake tasting appointments set, invitations chosen, 1 out of 2 flower girl dresses picked out, reception playlist draft completed, wedding shoes purchased.

However, still to do/figure out are... make final decision on ceremony time, order and mail invitations, reception decorations, marriage license, flowers, figure out what Josh will be wearing, figure out what ring bearer will be wearing (what will ring bearer carry? what will flower girls carry?) rehearsal/rehearsal dinner, music for ceremony?, where will everyone park?, what will I do with my hair? are we going to do a registry?, make more progress on mini-moon plans.

And of course, the above list does not include the following freak out items: What happens if my dress doesn’t arrive on time? (medium potential) What happens if the seamstress butchers it? (low potential) What if the caterer’s food and the baker’s cake suck? (low potential?) We’d have to start all over looking for replacements with less than two months until the wedding.

Okay, new topic.

The move went well last weekend, although of course it took longer than we thought. Having an office is really nice. The only downside to the new place is that it’s on the bottom floor, and there’s a family of elephants living upstairs. Seriously, the housing market would be in way worse shape if multi-story apartment buildings didn’t exist.

Monday, February 02, 2009


It’s deathly quiet around here at work. We’ve lost several people to other programs and new buildings over the past few weeks, particularly people whose offices were along the same hallway as mine. eerie.

I guess I’ll get out my mp3 player. I wonder when iPod will become like Kleenex? At some point, will I give in and start referring to it as my iPod, even when it’s actually a Sansa?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Wedding update

As you might have guessed, I’ve been debating whether or not to keep posting here. No decision yet, but here is an update with mostly wedding stuff.

We have a date! We’re getting married on April 25, 2009, one day shy of our 4-year anniversary of dating. The wedding will be in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with the ceremony on the beach and the reception at my uncle’s house. It’ll be very small—just immediate family and a few close friends. Josh’s nieces and nephew will be the flower girls and ring bearer, but we aren’t planning to have anyone else in the wedding party. I’ve ordered my dress (sorry, no pictures because Josh might peek!) after A TON of shopping and even more debate. The caterer and photographer we want are still available for that date, so hopefully getting that set will go smoothly. I’ll feel much better once we have the minister lined up and our wedding bands ordered.

Josh and I are also moving into a new apartment. We’re currently in a one bedroom, but a two-bedroom place in our building just opened up, so we’re moving in at the end of January. Josh is very much looking forward to having an office and no longer paying rent for his storage unit, and I’m looking forward to no longer living right above the benches that are the unofficial teen hangout for the complex. But neither of us is looking forward to actually moving all of our junk down 3 flights of stairs. At least it’s down.