Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wedding update 2 and new apartment

Making progress on our wedding to-do list... officiant booked, wedding rings ordered, hotel rooms reserved, tickets purchased for (hopefully only) scouting trip in March, caterer & cake tasting appointments set, invitations chosen, 1 out of 2 flower girl dresses picked out, reception playlist draft completed, wedding shoes purchased.

However, still to do/figure out are... make final decision on ceremony time, order and mail invitations, reception decorations, marriage license, flowers, figure out what Josh will be wearing, figure out what ring bearer will be wearing (what will ring bearer carry? what will flower girls carry?) rehearsal/rehearsal dinner, music for ceremony?, where will everyone park?, what will I do with my hair? are we going to do a registry?, make more progress on mini-moon plans.

And of course, the above list does not include the following freak out items: What happens if my dress doesn’t arrive on time? (medium potential) What happens if the seamstress butchers it? (low potential) What if the caterer’s food and the baker’s cake suck? (low potential?) We’d have to start all over looking for replacements with less than two months until the wedding.

Okay, new topic.

The move went well last weekend, although of course it took longer than we thought. Having an office is really nice. The only downside to the new place is that it’s on the bottom floor, and there’s a family of elephants living upstairs. Seriously, the housing market would be in way worse shape if multi-story apartment buildings didn’t exist.

1 comment:

Becca said...

my family is all in Boca (20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale. If you need them to scout out a good salon or something for you let me know. they have great tastes in that sort of thing.