Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Pink eye

In case there was any doubt, pink eye sucks. Pink eye especially sucks while on vacation, and pink eye also sucks for one's friends when all one can do is complain about having pink eye! Argh... it wouldn't be so bad if I could actually see my eyes getting better, but they haven't cleared up much since Sunday when I started the antibiotics (and since Tuesday morning, when I got switched to a stronger antibiotic).

On the upside, I got to stay home from work on Monday so that I didn't infect everyone with my eyeball germs. It also left me with lots more time to finish my math project that was due today, although I think my eyes got the short end of the stick since they had to stare at Matlab all day.

Ironically, the best my eyes have looked since last Monday when I left for England was today after I went to the gym. I didn't trust myself to stay uninjured if I ran outside without my contacts, but I figured being blind on the treadmill wouldn't be too scary.

Okay, end rant.

For now.

1 comment:

reno mac said...

booo to eyeball germs :(