Thursday, November 09, 2006


We've gotten a lot of rain recently, the kind of rain that necessitates stripping just inside your front door, because if you don't, you'll leave a trail of leaves and dirty water anywhere else you walk. Usually, I don't bike in the rain because in addition to the regular amount of wet socks, wet shoes, and drenching that occurs when your umbrella flips inside out while walking, you also get splashed with wet road grime when cars, trucks, and busses drive through ginormous puddles on the road.

Today the rain had stopped, so foolishly I decided to ride my bike to work this morning, forgetting that the ginormous puddles remain after the rain, and they have an irritating tendency to splash water in a neat little line up your back tire and onto the seat of your pants when you bike through them.

So now I'm walking around at work with a giant wet spot on my butt. Real professional. To counteract this, I feel compelled to sneak the words, "I rode my bike here," into every conversation with anyone at work, just so they don't think I peed in my pants.

And just to add that extra level of embarrassment, I noticed when I got up just now that the wet spot on my pants has partially transferred itself to the seat of my fabric chair. So now it looks like I peed on myself AND the chair.



reno mac said...

fear not. thanks to billy madison, everyone knows that "peeing your pants is the COOLEST!"

Gavin said...

Bummer, I remember having wet pants at college when I used to ride my bike all the time. I think I bought a cheap plastic splash guard to put over the backwheel. That worked great, until someone stole my bike. Bastards.