Friday, July 08, 2005


Today it's raining. Well, you say, it's Seattle, right? Yeah... but it's drizzling, a little chilly, and Friday, so if I were still in college, I'd be skipping class to stay in bed, sip hot chocolate, and watch movies all afternoon. Well, at least that's what my senior-year roommate and I planned to do some rainy day when we could both skip class, but that day never materialized.

I wouldn't be so bummed about going to work on a day like today if I didn't hate wresting with OTIS so much. The learning curve on this program is much higher than anything else I've used. Ugh. I don't want to talk about it.

In other work news, I think I might single-handedly go through the entire stash of hot chocolate mix here, making my do-it-yourself mochas. It doesn't look like anyone else really drinks hot chocolate, so I might have to bring in a Costco-sized box at the end of the summer to replace the stuff that I've gone through. And maybe I'll leave them with the same "no sugar added" crap that they have. Why on earth would you not add sugar to hot chocolate mix? If there's no sugar, what else is left??

My first issue of Time magazine came in the mail a couple days ago. Yay! I think I'm turning into my parents, because I think the magazine really has gone downhill over the past decade or so - it's becoming more like Newsweek. I'd feel better about myself if I were getting my news from more sources like The Economist or Atlantic Monthly, but the sad fact is that I don't have the patience or attention span to read magazines like that from cover to cover. So I guess I'll have to stick with my short, 1-page articles with a very American slant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went with Newsweek because it was cheaper. And I love the page with the best quotes and editorial cartoons of the week. Time can't beat that. :)

I'm trying to imagine a higher learning curve than STAMPS or SORT. Ugh. Good luck. :)