Monday, March 28, 2005

Extended weekend

Carlos left this afternoon after a great long weekend. I think the highlight was eating ice cream for breakfast on Saturday and then going to Galveston to rollerblade along the seawall. Going to church the next morning on Easter Sunday fell by the wayside in favor of sleeping in and watching the USA-Mexico World Cup qualifier game. I think this makes my last appearance at a church on Easter over five years ago... but that's a story for another day.

I tried to vacuum my apartment this weekend because it's getting filthy (as in, I found a random bird feather underneath the living room rug, and I think my hamster pooped on the stairs the last time she was out there), but I discovered that the belt in the vacuum was broken, so my plan was foiled. I would ask my roommate if she knew where to get a new belt, but i think she's in India. I haven't seen her in about two weeks, which isn't really out of the ordinary since she spends so much time at her boyfriend's apartment, but I remember her saying something about having plans to go to India a few months ago. Our living situation hasn't turned out the way I thought it would at all, but it's been kind of nice to have this big apartment all to myself. The only weird part is when she actually does come home, because we sort of upset each other's rhythm.

Ugh, this post was useless. I'm not sure I'm really into this whole blog thing. It's fun to recount the funny stuff I see or random things that happen to me, but those events are sometimes few and far between. The other stuff that's been on my mind a lot lately isn't really appropriate for this sort of venue, so then I end up writing about nothing. *shrug*

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