Monday, March 21, 2005

So much has happened...

...since I last wrote! Things have been pretty busy, and it never seems like I have enough time to sit down and actually post anything, and today (at work, at least) is no different, so I should be quick. I just got home yesterday from a weekend in Boston - MIT's open house for its recently-admitted aero/astro graduate students. It probably wasn't the most productive use of my time, since I already know the department pretty well, but it was an opportunity to visit Draper Labs, so I would at least know a little more about what sort of work I would be doing next year before I decide to accept the fellowship offer. During the Draper tour, I bumped into a girl that did her undergrad at Georgia Tech with Josh, and she was surprised to hear that he was now my officemate at work. Random small world experience...

The trip also made me realize how much I missed the Burton 2 crowd. We went out for dinner (Chili's, of course) and drinks (Whiskey's, of course), so I got a chance to meet everyone's new girlfriend and catch up on Angela's new relationship too. I also managed to monopolize the rest of Carlos's weekend, since this coming week is his spring break and he doesn't have any homework due for a while. I'm definitely sold on going back to Boston. I just wish it could happen sooner than August. Everyone I talk to that doesn't know anything specific about my situation at work tells me that I should stick around here until the beginning of August - save up some more money, I don't need to start classes or work at Draper that early, etc. But on the other hand, everyone who knows the real story about my life in Houston says, "Leave now! You're too unhappy here to stay for another four months." When I was younger, I couldn't understand why anyone would stay at a job or in a relationship that they weren't completely happy with, but at my now-wise age of 23, I can appreciate that nothing in life is ever that black and white.

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