Monday, January 09, 2006

10 Layers of Me

This is shamelessly stolen from my little sister, but I don't have anything else more interesting to write about, and I'm trying to write in my blog more, so...

Layer 1: On the Outside
Name: Melanie
Birth place: Ypsilanti, MI (pronounced "ip-seh-LAN-tee")
Birth date: February 25, 1982
Current location: Boston, Mass.
Eye color: Blue or green, depending on what color shirt I'm wearing
Hair color: Sandy blond (calling it dirty blond puts you on my hit list)
Righty or Lefty: Righty in writing, lefty in gymnastics and card-dealing
Zodiac sign: Uh... I guess should know this, but I don't. Oh! Pisces. How dumb. Somehow I think Chinese fortune-cookie fortunes are fun, but horoscopes seem ridiculous.

Layer 2: On the Inside
Your heritage: English, German... your basic Euro mutt
What shoes did you wear today: An old pair of running shoes
Your weakness: Movie theater popcorn (read: obscene amounts of butter), ice cream, Sex and the City re-runs
Your fears: Death, childbirth, eye injuries
Your perfect pizza: Augh, there are so many choices! But I think I'd have to go with Pizza Hut's stuffed crust, topped with pepperoni and extra cheese.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Marry the love of my life, have a job that I look forward to going to everyday, see absolutely as much of the world as possible

Layer 3: Yesterday
Your first thoughts waking up: Trying to remember a very strange dream I had involving... being at camp? I think...?
Your best physical feature: I think I have nice feet.
Your bedtime: Yesterday? About 12:45am. I'm usually up a little too late yapping on the phone with Josh.
Your most missed memory: Missed? I'm not quite sure how to interpret this one. I'll go with a time that I would love to revisit right now - it's a toss-up between my trip to Vegas last February or the roadtrip from Houston to Seattle this past summer.

Layer 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: 9 times out of 10 I would pick single, but sometimes a group get-together that's a bunch of couples is a lot of fun.
Adidas or Nike: I can only run in Asics.
Lipton tea or Nestea: Who cares?
Chocolate or vanilla: About once a year, I'll get a vanilla shake at McDonald's. Every other time, the answer's chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee, but only if there's lots of cream and sugar.

Layer 5: Do You/Are You?
Smoke: No
Cuss: Trying to quit
Single: Nope
Take a shower: Yes. I once had wrist surgery and had to take baths instead for six weeks - it was awful.
Have a crush(es): Sorry babe, but if I ever met Johnny Depp, I would have to give him one loooong kiss.
Think you've been in love: I'm sure.
Liked high school: My memories of high school are a little rosier than the entire four years were, but yes.
Do you believe in yourself: Yes. But don't ask during finals week.
Get motion sickness: Sometimes. It usually involves roller coasters or airplane turbulence.
Think you're a health freak: Who voluntarily labels themself a freak? I run about 15 miles a week, lift weights, and watch what I eat (mostly). For a rebuttal, see items 1 & 2 under "weaknesses."
Get along with your parents: Yup

Layer 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: Yup
Gone out on a date: Yup
Gone to the mall: Yup
Eaten sushi: Definitely not. The smell and taste of fish makes me nauseous, so sushi isn't something I eat.
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No
Gone skinny dipping: Nope
Dyed your hair: Nope
These questions would be a lot more revealing if they weren't restricted to just the past month...

Layer 7: Have You Ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing: No, but I once went to an underwear party...
Changed who you were to fit in: Unfortunately, yes. Anyone who tries to tell you they didn't obviously never went to middle school.

Layer 8: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: Whenever I'm ready
Number of children: Not sure I want them
Describe your dream wedding: The only things I'm sure of are that I want my immediate family there and I want my grandfather to play the organ. Everything else is negotiable.

Layer 9: In a Girl/Guy
Best eye color: Deep blues and greens are very striking, but I'm also partial to very dark browns. :)
Best hair color: Anything natural
Short or long hair: Short
Height: Taller than me, but not more than about a head taller
Type of clothing: I'd veto goth and Steve Urkel attire, but most everything else in between is fine by me.

Layer 10: In the Numbers
Number of people I can trust: A number I'm comfortable with
Number of CD's I own: I dunno... maybe 100?
Number of piercings: One in each ear. Not interested in additional ones.
Number of tattoos: None. Not interested. (Exception: If I ever participated in the Olympics, I would get the Olympic rings tattooed on my ankle.)
Number of times I've been on TV: None that I know of, but I would love to be on TV someday.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Several times, but just in the local papers when I was in high school sports. Oh, and I guess in a handful of photo credits in The Tech.
Number of scars on my body: My body's pretty good at healing scars, but there are two that I'll be stuck with forever: the scar on my right wrist from getting a ganglion cyst removed, and the scar on my forehead from its collision with the wooden armrest on our couch during a rowdy game of Ring Around the Rosy.
Number of big things in my past that I regret: I try to live my life so that I have no regrets. There is one thing... but it's shaped my life in so many ways that I can't imagine where I'd be if I could go back and change it. And I like my life now, who and where I am, so maybe it's not a regret.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didn't you used to hate feet or something?