Friday, July 21, 2006

The one where you stop reading because all I talk about is my eyes

I know, I know... skip it if you don't want to hear about the latest episode of Days of My Eyes. We're going on four months now. That's what I told my doctor, and to my dismay, he didn't sound very concerned.

Anyway. The last time I wore contacts was two weeks ago, and up until Monday, my eyes weren't clear enough to wear contacts again, but they weren't so bad that I scared small children when I walked down the street. But they weren't really getting any better, and they started to get worse on Sunday. I started to scare small children on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday I woke up to discover that there were no longer any white areas in the "white part" of my eye - it looked like they had been bathed in red paint. I called my ophthalmologist's office and made an appointment for that afternoon, and when I finally got in to see the doctor, he gave me blah, blah talk about allergy flareups, nothing serious.

Believe me, I am the first one to be grateful that this is not a serious medical problem, but I don't think my eye doctor understands that this is still a huge deal for me. For one thing, he wears glasses, not contacts. I don't think anyone who hasn't worn contacts is aware of just how much contacts are a lifestyle, not just a convenient way of correcting your vision. And I'm sure that I'm not the first person to come into his office with this sort of problem, but it doesn't help when he brushes off my concerns about it, especially since I don't see other people on the street whose eyes look like mine. He seems to be interested in only treating the symptoms, not the root cause.

Bad beside manner aside, he wrote me a prescription for some weak corticosteroid eye drops, which I've been taking for a couple days now. Yes, contrary to everything that I learned in 9th grade health class, I'm taking steroids. And let me tell you, they work like magic. Their purpose is simply to inhibit the body's processes that cause inflammation though, so I'm not exactly cured, but hopefully the drops will jump-start my eyeballs. I'm supposed to use the drops for two months, so maybe by the end of that time, my eyes will have remembered that their purpose in life is to work for ME, not the other way around.

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