Monday, July 24, 2006


Over the weekend, Josh came to visit. Which meant that it poured. Whenever one of us travels to see the other, we always manage to bring along rain, snow, sleet, hail, or hurricanes in our carry-on luggage. So this time it thwarted my plan to spend the weekend on the Cape.

In any case, we still managed to fit in the usual things, like eating lots of ice cream and going to the movies. We saw You, Me, and Dupree, which had some good moments, but was too long. At some point over the past few years, it was decided that movies starring Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, or Will Ferrell, would extend past the appropriate 90 minutes into 2+ hours of seat-squirming. Somehow they didn't get the memo that the "plot" can't really support a 2-hour movie. Lance Armstrong's cameo was pretty funny though.

I also got a new TV over the weekend, to replace the behemoth one that my roommate took with him to DC. (He also took the TV stand and the couch, so the living room is pretty ghetto these days.) Josh and I also installed my air conditioner, which, happily, will make napping that much easier.

So today it's back to work, although it feels a little like the day after final exams, because we just finished our big trade study report on Thursday. Now I should be moving on to some new stuff, but procrastinating is a whole lot easier.

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