Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I've arrived!

All right, I've finally joined the real world and started a blog. Not sure if it'll last or if it'll become just another passing interest that I have, but what the hell, it was free. The only problem is that now I have to justify my existence to the outside world, whereas before I was fine just sneaking by under the radar. Because honestly, weeks can go by without anything earth-shaking happening to me. Consider yourself forewarned.

So, today I went to my second funeral ever. Okay, obviously it wasn't my funeral, but the part about it being the second is true. The only other memorial service I went to was for my grandfather who died several years ago. This one was for a co-worker's wife who died of leukemia this past Saturday - she was only 24. I only met her once, at lunch a few months ago with a bunch of people from work, and I've only known my co-worker Ryan since July, so I felt a little strange being there, surrounded by people who had known Katie for years. It was an incredibly sobering event. Among other things, everyone who spoke at the service mentioned how close Ryan and Katie were and how they seemed to be meant for each other: "Ryan was Katie's one true love." And at the end of the service, the minister reminded all of us what we can learn from Katie's brief life, and one of them was that once you find your one true love, hold on to them as tightly as you can. Sifting through some of the past relationships I've had, I can definitely say that I've been in love, but have any of those guys been my "one true love"? Umm... I'm gonna go with no. Okay, so I can identify the ones who aren't, but then how will I known when this "one" appears in my life? It's too bad those people don't come with a big neon sign or something. But there are a couple people out there whose weddings I might object at... maybe that's my neon sign.

1 comment:

Stu said...

OK, so BTW - you don't have to post anything earth shattering. I mean you should see my blog, ha! There's even a blog called the most boring blog. It's actually pretty funny.

BTW - my real blog is http://stu.blogs.com