Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Top ten

In my effort to waste time this evening, I did a lot of web-surfing and ended up stumbling across a Forbes website that ranks the top ten blogs in twelve categories. I guess I'm really only interested in the travel and photo categories, but I could definitely spend some serious time reading all these entries. Hmm... things to do at work tomorrow? :)

It's been a slow couple of days since getting back to Houston... I've been really tired lately, which I first attributed to just readjusting to my regular work schedule, but now I think it's more than that, because I've developed a sore throat, watery eyes, and the sniffles over the past 24 hours. This is always one of those times where I think about whether or not I really want to go to work tomorrow if I'm sick... please, let me be sick! It's always a fine line though - sick enough so that I would infect my coworkers, but not so sick that I couldn't at least drink hot chocolate and watch movies all day. You at least should get a little mileage out of a sick day. But I'm supposed to go downtown to see Les Miserables tomorrow night with two of my coworkers, so I guess it would be poor form to skip work and still go to the show.

All right, I guess that means it's bedtime.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Dude. I couldn't come see Les Mis because we were supposed to have softball, but I'll bet it's cancelled because of the rain. Boo.