Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday thoughts

+ Today is the career fair. I'm nervous. And there are a lot of companies that I want to speak with during the two hours that I can be there.

+ I've lost weight since I was living in Houston. All of my dress clothes are now baggier, especially in areas where I don't want them to be baggy!

+ My brass rat feels extremely heavy compared to the small silver ring I've been wearing lately. I used to love wearing my class ring - everyone at school bought one and wore it as a badge of pride for having survived the most academically difficult 4 years of our lives. After I graduated though, I wore it less and less because it didn't seem to mean as much to me when I wasn't surrounded by other MIT grads. Looking at it today though, I miss wearing it, but not enough to give up wearing my silver ring. I never thought I'd be back here after I turned my brass rat around at graduation.

+ The radiator in my bedroom is on already. We live in an old building, so the boiler distributes heat to every apartment in the building, which means that we don't have our own thermostat. So my radiator is on when it's September 21st and it's 70 degrees outside.

+ I must start going to bed earlier.

+ 95% of the kids in my Feedback Control Systems class are first year grad students, which means that they don't have much research work to do yet. I miss the days of getting all my homework done at work and then being able to leave at 3:30 to go to the gym.

+ I need to go the gym.

+ I see my roommate for about 5 minutes a day, if that.

+ My mom is visiting this weekend, and we're going to the Cape! It might rain though.

+ Dude, Grey's Anatomy almost made me cry last night. Maybe I can see the attraction with that show.

+ I've become a lot ballsier about biking in traffic now that I've started wearing my helmet regularly. Ironically, I think I was safer when I wasn't wearing it.

+ I miss having an officemate. Well, except for this morning when I could change clothes in my office instead of having to go to the bathroom.

+ My newest theory about my eyes being retarded is that it's caused by another medication I'm taking. My eyes didn't start freaking out until about 3 months after I started taking the medication, which is about how long it takes your body to adjust to the new levels of drugs. Plus, I've read that one of the drugs in the medication is known to cause dry eyes. It was hard to believe at first that my eye problems could be caused just by dryness, but I've started putting in re-wetting drops several times during the day, and it seems to be helping, so either they're just dry or the extra moisture is helping flush out whatever allergens might be in there. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday to see what my other medication options are.

+ My new favorite blog to read is Everyday Goddess.

+ I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to get all my thesis research, analysis, and writing done before May 11, 2007.


Anonymous said...

Well, thank you! :)

Liz Rizzo
Everyday Goddess

melanie said...

hey sabeen,
i'm so glad your eyes are doing better! i wore contacts for the first time in several months for my cousin's wedding a couple weeks ago. my contacts were in for about 6 hours and they felt fine, and my eyes looked okay the next day, but they got red and itchy the day after. i think being outside in the wind dries out my eyes and makes my symptoms worse. i went off the medication that i think is causing dryness about a week ago, and that seems to be helping some. my doc says that if my symptoms don't clear up within the next month though, it's probably not the medication. anyway, let me know how wearing your contacts goes in the next couple weeks!
